Featured History 21 October 2022 Supreme Court Orders Reparations for Sex Workers Serving US Military Reminiscent of Imperial Japan's "Comfort Women," the organized sex trade near US bases in Korea involved horrendous human rights violations.
Featured Courts 1 August 2022 Constitutional Court Clashes with Supreme Court In only the second time in South Korean history, the Constitutional Court overturned a Supreme Court decision.
Featured Courts 8 July 2022 Jury Trial Becoming a Haven for Sex Offenders: Data Jury trial's acquittal rate for alleged sex crimes is significantly higher than bench trial's.
Featured Courts 20 June 2022 Liberal Politician Convicted for Criminal Defamation of Justice Minister Yu Si-min was sentenced to KRW 5m in fines for claiming Han Dong-hun surveilled his bank account.
Featured Conservatives 2 March 2022 Former Conservative Lawmaker's Prison Sentence Confirmed for Influence Peddling The Supreme Court confirmed Kim Seong-tae's sentence. Kwon Seong-dong was found not guilty for taking bribes, but his bribes-giver was found guilty.
Featured Conservatives 1 November 2021 Court Upholds Yun Seok-yeol's Suspension The ruling undermines the conservative presidential runner's claim that the Moon administration unfairly targeted him.
Featured Courts 16 July 2021 Supreme Court: Non-Religious Pacifists Also Entitled to Alternate Military Service Previously, the Constitutional Court provided for alternative service for religious pacifists.
Featured Starter Kit 6 May 2021 Introduction to South Korea's Judicial System South Korea has a legal system that is largely based on Civil Law with some US law characteristics.
Courts 20 March 2021 Criminal "Defamation-by-Facts" Law Held Constitutional The crime of defamation-by-facts has been criticized for potentially infringing upon freedom of speech, and for being used as a tool to silence whistleblowers.
Featured Conservatives 5 February 2021 Supreme Court Finalizes 22 Years in Prison for Park Geun-hye President Moon Jae-in rejected the call for pardoning Park.
Featured North Korea 1 February 2021 False Charge of Espionage Against a North Korean Defector Disproven The conservative Park Geun-hye administration ran campaign of fabricated charges against North Korean defectors.
Featured Blue House 4 December 2020 The Corruption Investigation Office: Ready to Launch The fight to establish has been fierce, with 29 lawmakers indicted for interfering with the legislative process.
Featured Business & Economy 26 November 2020 More Litigious Business Environment Ahead Major reforms in the Commercial Act and Class Action Act will introduce large class action suits with punitive damages.
Featured Conservatives 21 November 2020 Lee Myung-bak's End of the Road: Imprisoned and Alone The Supreme Court finalized the 17-year prison sentence of the former president.
Featured Society 29 October 2020 Will the Criminalization of Abortion End in South Korea? The Constitutional Court held the abortion prohibition unconstitutional, but it is up to the government how much abortion will be allowed.