Liberals: Good for the Stock Market

South Korea's KOSPI index rose the most under the liberal administrations.

Liberals: Good for the Stock Market

Credit: Public domain.

According to the May 10 study by Korea Exchange 한국거래소, the KOSPI index rose by 39.4% during the first four years of the Moon Jae-in 문재인 administration. The liberal presidents swept the podium as the stock market performance under Moon was the third highest following Roh Moo-hyun 노무현 (an impressive 138.5% return in his first four years) and Kim Dae-jung 김대중 (46.4% rise).

Over the comparable time period, conservative presidents Lee Myung-bak 이명박 oversaw a 15.1% increase, Park Geun-hye 박근혜 a 3.7% gain, and Kim Young-sam 김영삼 a meager 0.56% return. In the first four years of Roh Tae-woo 노태우 administration, the KOSPI index fell by 2.9%.

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