Credit: Public domain.

With 14% support, kimchi jjigae 김치찌개 reigned supreme in Gallup Korea’s regular poll of South Koreans’ favorite Korean dishes. Bulgogi 불고기 (11%), doenjang jjigae 된장찌개 (10%), kimchi 김치 (9%), bibimbap 비빔밥 (6%), japchae 잡채 (4.8%), galbi 갈비 (4.2%), tteokbokki 떡볶이 (3.3%) and galbi jjim 갈비찜 (3.3%) rounded out the top ten. Kimchi jjigae has topped the list since 2014, supplanting doenjang jjigae, which was the top vote-getter in 2004.

Jjajangmyeon 짜장면 (38%) remained the top choice for Chinese dishes, with recent imports such as mala tang (4.5%) and guo bao rou (0.8%) joining the top ten. Soju 소주 (52%) and beer 맥주 (38%) held their duopoly; samgyeopsal 삼겹살, fried chicken and dried squid were the top three anju 안주 (drinking snacks.)