Photo: First Lady Kim Geon-hee caught on hidden camera, receiving a luxury clutch. Credit: Voice of Seoul.

Try as President Yoon Suk-yeol 윤석열 대통령 might, the bad news about his wife Kim Geon-hee 김건희 just keeps coming. With the newly uncovered video of Kim receiving a Dior clutch from a supporter, the public - even those usually inclined to support conservatives - has soured on the First Lady after Yoon used his veto power to block a special prosecutor investigation of Kim.

In a poll conducted by conservative stalwart Chosun Ilbo 조선일보 before the veto, 63% of respondents said Yoon should not veto the bill calling for a special prosecutor investigation of Kim Geon-hee, a position held even by a majority (55%) of conservative voters. In a Dong-a Ilbo 동아일보 poll of the Seoul metro area, all of Seoul 서울 (45.7% to 31.6%), Incheon 인천 (54.3% to 26.3%) and Gyeonggi-do Province 경기도 (50.3% to 30.2%) disapproved of Yoon’s veto of the special prosecutor investigation of his wife.