Featured History 17 March 2021 55th Anniversary of the Tay Vinh Massacre in the Vietnam War One of the worst atrocities committed by South Korea's military.
Featured Liberals 16 March 2021 Poll: Democratic Party the Most Progressive Supporters of the main liberal party identified themselves as more progress than minor leftist parties.
Featured Newsletter 15 March 2021 TBR Weekly Update: Week 2, March 2021 The Seoul mayoral election is in turmoil with the latest real estate scandal. The presidential election is less than one year away.
Featured Business & Economy 15 March 2021 Basic Income: the Next Step in the Pandemic Economy? The COVID-19 pandemic and the leading presidential candidate is making the once-outlandish idea mainstream.
Featured Liberals 13 March 2021 Poll: What Young South Korean Liberals Want Young liberals want social democratic economy, loose unification with North Korea, and no part of China.
Featured Business & Economy 12 March 2021 South Korea and Taiwan: the "New OPEC" of Semiconductors Dominance of South Korea and Taiwan in semiconductors has geopolitical implications.
Key Players 11 March 2021 Obituary: Baek Gi-wan, a Lifelong Fighter for Democracy and Unification Baek was one of South Korea's first civic activists for democracy.
Featured COVID-19 10 March 2021 Vaccine Politics Threaten to Derail South Korea's COVID-19 Response South Korea succeeded in combating the pandemic despite fractious politics rather than thanks to sheep-like conformity.
Featured Newsletter 8 March 2021 TBR Weekly Update: Week 1, March 2021 The major parties set their tickets for the Seoul and Busan mayor by-elections, now just one month away. Also, a look at how Moon Jae-in has fared compared to other presidents at the same point in their terms, and remembering the pioneer of transgender rights in military.
Featured COVID-19 8 March 2021 Doctors Threaten to Boycott COVID-19 Vaccination to Prevent Losing License After Committing Felony The doctors find it intolerable that they may lose their license after committing murder or sexual assault.
Featured National Security 6 March 2021 Recognizing South Korea as a Military Power South Korea's superior conventional weaponry may act as a hindrance to denuclearizing North Korea.
Business & Economy 5 March 2021 LG Chem Defeats SK Innovation in the EV Battery Duel in the US Court The two South Korean giants of EV batteries have been litigating each other in the United States.
Featured Key Players 4 March 2021 Moon Chung-in: South Korean Liberals’ Most Important Pyongyangologist Moon advised all three of South Korea's liberal presidents and is likely to continue should there be a fourth one.
Featured Liberals 3 March 2021 Poll: Park Yeong-seon Leading in the Seoul Mayor Race Ahn Cheol-su's lead in the Seoul mayor race is no more.
Featured Newsletter 1 March 2021 TBR Weekly Update: Week 4, February 2021 South Korean politicos debated the merits of a universal basic income, while the Justice Party started losing its bearings.
Featured Society 1 March 2021 If You Build It: Seoul Mayors’ Infrastructure Projects Seoul landscape changes constantly with its mayor's political ambition.
Featured Conservatives 26 February 2021 Conservatives’ Aimless Attack on ‘Nuclear Zero’ Nuclear power is not exactly a populist issue, but the conservatives are trying to make it into one.
Featured Conservatives 25 February 2021 About Face: Conservatives Now in Favor of the New Airport in Busan While Some Continue to Hold Out Support for liberals in the Busan area has been surging since they proposed the new airport.
Featured Starter Kit 24 February 2021 Starter Kit: a Brief History of Primaries in South Korea The inter-party election to select the candidates who would run in the final election is a recent feature in Korean politics, and is localized in a peculiar way.
Featured Newsletter 22 February 2021 TBR Weekly Update: Week 3, February 2021 Politics are threatening to derail the COVID-19 vaccination program, and what young liberal voters want.